The Librarian's Corner

Banta Library Time


The Librarian's Corner

Happy Spring!

This is one of my favorite times of the year! Granted, it is hay fever season which is less than fun, but I love seeing all the plants in bloom. All the green grass and trees, flowers budding, bees buzzing… It is like life itself is reminding us that each day is a fresh new start. It is something I strive to show to each student that everyday is a chance to learn something new. To grow and discover new things.

While state testing may have been tough these past few weeks, the library was a place to rejuvenate and have some fun. We had a week of board games and puzzles, learned some new art styles as kids got to try their hand at pixel art, and also just had some quiet time to read. The younger classes had a blast with the interactive book “Hey Bruce!” It was a month filled with laughter.

Just as a reminder to keep your child reading each day. They love it when we can take the time to read with them and with this lovely weather, maybe even try to go outside for a reading adventure. Curl up under a shady tree and read in the grass. Making it a fun, memorable experience can help your child grow in their reading venture.

Finally a quick but important reminder: BOOK FAIR is coming in just a few weeks so get ready!

-Mrs Eichele

Library Time Library Time